Lets talk WPT Global! New Community Manager In The House CardsChat

Hey Everyone! My name is Ami, and I recently joined the WPT Global team as a community manager. My main goal is to engage with you all in discussions… Rock Star Silver LevelForum Admin Administrator

Sida Nga Taraki Platinum Level-

Legend Loyaler-

Legend Platinum Level-

And Still… Platinum Level-

Rock Star Silver LevelVisionary Silver Level-

Rock Star Silver LevelRock Star Silver LevelRock Star Silver LevelAnd Still… Platinum Level-

Legend Loyaler-

Rock Star Silver LevelRock Star Silver LevelLegend Platinum Level-

Rock Star Silver LevelRock Star Silver LevelNutty Evil Squirrels Administrator-

Legend Bronze Level-

Rock Star Silver LevelLegend Loyaler-

Rock Star Silver LevelLegend Loyaler-

Visionary Silver Level-

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